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Nested Set implementation for PHP.

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Run following command in terminal

composer require stefano/stefano-tree

Create Tree Adapter

key type required default value note
tableName string yes    
idColumnName string yes    
leftColumnName string no lft  
rightColumnName string no rgt  
levelColumnName string no level  
parentIdColumnName string no parent_id  
sequenceName string see note   Required for PostgreSQL
scopeColumnName string see note   If empty scope support is disabled
dbSelectBuilder callable no   see Join table example below
use \StefanoTree\NestedSet;

$options = array(
    'tableName'    => 'tree_traversal',
    'idColumnName' => 'tree_traversal_id',
    // other options

$dbAdapter = pure \PDO, Zend1 Db Adapter, Laminas Db Adapter, Doctrine DBAL Connection or any class which implements StefanoTree\NestedSet\Adapter\AdapterInterface interface 

$tree = new NestedSet($options, $dbAdapter);
$options = array(
    'tableName'       => 'tree_traversal',
    'idColumnName'    => 'tree_traversal_id',
    'dbSelectBuilder' => function() {
         // You can use any "callable" like function or object
         // Select must be without where or order part
         return 'SELECT tree_traversal.*, m.something, ...'
           .' FROM tree_traversal'
           .' LEFT JOIN metadata AS m ON';
    // other options

$tree = new NestedSet($options, $dbAdapter);


Creating nodes

use StefanoTree\Exception\ValidationException;

try {
    $data = array(
        // values
        // id_column_name => uuid 
    // create root node.
    $rootNodeId = $tree->createRootNode($data);
    // create root node. Second param "$scope" is required only if scope support is enabled.
    $rootNodeId = $tree->createRootNode($data, $scope);    
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();


use StefanoTree\Exception\ValidationException;

try {
    $targetNodeId = 10;
    $data = array(
        // values
        // id_column_name => uuid 

    $nodeId = $tree->addNode($targetNodeId, $data, $tree::PLACEMENT_CHILD_TOP);
    $nodeId = $tree->addNode($targetNodeId, $data, $tree::PLACEMENT_CHILD_BOTTOM);
    $nodeId = $tree->addNode($targetNodeId, $data, $tree::PLACEMENT_TOP);
    $nodeId = $tree->addNode($targetNodeId, $data, $tree::PLACEMENT_BOTTOM);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();

Update Node

use StefanoTree\Exception\ValidationException;

try {
    $targetNodeId = 10;
    $data = array(
        // values
    $tree->updateNode($targetNodeId, $data);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();

Move node


use StefanoTree\Exception\ValidationException;

try {
    $sourceNodeId = 15;
    $targetNodeId = 10;
    $tree->moveNode($sourceNodeId, $targetNodeId, $tree::PLACEMENT_CHILD_TOP);
    $tree->moveNode($sourceNodeId, $targetNodeId, $tree::PLACEMENT_CHILD_BOTTOM);
    $tree->moveNode($sourceNodeId, $targetNodeId, $tree::PLACEMENT_TOP);
    $tree->moveNode($sourceNodeId, $targetNodeId, $tree::PLACEMENT_BOTTOM);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();

Delete node or branch

use StefanoTree\Exception\ValidationException;

try {
    $nodeId = 15;
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();

Getting nodes

$nodeId = 15;

// all descendants
// all descendants result as nested array
     ->get($nodeId, true);
// only children     

// exclude first level($nodeId) from result

// exclude first two levels from result

// return first 4 level

// exclude branch from  result
$nodeId = 15;

// get all
// get all as nested array
     ->get($nodeId, true);

// exclude last node($nodeId) from result

// exclude first two levels from result

Validation and Rebuild broken tree

use StefanoTree\Exception\ValidationException;

try {
    $satus = $tree->isValid($rootNodeId);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
use StefanoTree\Exception\ValidationException;

try {
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
    $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();


Any contributions are welcome. If you find any issue don’t hesitate to open a new issue or send a pull request.

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